




● 1998.09—2002.07 中国科学技术大学 火灾科学国家重点实验室 工学博士

● 1994.09—1998.07 中国科学技术大学 热科学与能源工程系 工学学士


● 2011.12—  12bet中文官方平台官网 工程物理系/公共安全研究院 教授

● 2005.12—2011.12 12bet中文官方平台官网工程物理系/公共安全研究院 副研究员

● 2003.11—2005.11 日本早稻田大学 日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员   (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers)

● 2004.04—2005.12 中国科学技术大学   火灾科学国家重点实验室 副教授

● 2002.07—2004.04 中国科学技术大学   火灾科学国家重点实验室 讲师




  ● 培养博士研究生20多人(包括合作培养),硕士研究生7人。



● 灾害环境下人体损伤与个体防护

● 城市公共安全风险管理

● 人群聚集安全与疏散疏导

● 典型灾害(火灾)动力学演化



  [1] 国家杰出青年科学基金,城市公共安全风险管理,2018-2022.

  [2] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,自然灾害诱发的技术灾难风险管理理论与方法,2021-2024.

  [3] 科技部十四五科技创新专项规划项目,“十四五”公共安全与防灾减灾科技创新专项规划研究,2020.09-2020.12.

  [4] 国家重点研发计划项目,灾害环境下人体损伤机理研究与救援防护技术装备研发及应用示范,2016-2019.

  [5] 国家科技支撑计划课题,安全保障型城市的评价指标体系与评价系统研发,2011-201

  [6] 国家自然科学基金项目,基于视频分析的高密度人群踩踏事故风险防控方法研究,2015-2018.

  [7] 国家自然科学基金项目,基于大规模人群流动模式的流感大流行传播动力学与围堵策略研究,2011-2013.

  [8] 国家自然科学基金项目,火灾环境中人体热反应机理研究,2011-2013.

  [9] 国家自然科学基金项目,基于复杂网络动力学的城市供气系统定量风险评估方法研究,2009—2011.

  [10] 国家自然科学基金项目,火灾烟气的回燃现象产生和抑制的机理研究,2004-2006.

  [11] 北京市科技计划课题,基于超高层建筑内部监测的人员定位和疏散疏导技术,2010-2011.

  [12] 北京市科技计划课题,多因素、多环节的风险综合评估技术,2008-2009.



  [1] Zhang, Y. and Weng, W.G. A Bayesian Network Model for Seismic Risk Analysis, Risk Analysis, 2021

  [2] He, Z.C. and Weng, W.G. A Risk Assessment Method for Multi-Hazard Coupling Disasters, Risk Analysis, 2021.

  [3] Zhang, Y. and Weng, W.G. Bayesian network model for buried gas pipeline failure analysis caused by corrosion and external interference. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2020, 203: 107089.

  [4] Wang, J.J., He, Z.C. and Weng, W.G. A review of the research into the relations between hazards in multi-hazard risk analysis. Natural Hazards, 2020, 104(3): 2003-2026.

  [5] He, Z.C. and Weng, W.G. A dynamic and simulation-based method for quantitative risk assessment of the domino accident in chemical industry. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020, 144: 79-92.

  [6] Wang, C.Y., Shen, L.C. and Weng, W.G. Experimental study on individual risk in crowds based on exerted force and human perceptions. Ergonomics, 2020, 63(7): 789-803.

  [7] He, Z.C. and Weng, W.G. Synergic effects in the assessment of multi-hazard coupling disasters: Fires, explosions, and toxicant leaks. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 388: 121813.

  [8] Xu, X.Y., Wu, J.L. Weng, W.G. and Fu, M. Investigation of inhalation and exhalation flow pattern in a realistic human upper airway model by PIV experiments and CFD simulations. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2020, 19: 1679-1695.

  [9] Chen, W.W., Fu, M. and Weng, W.G. Electrospinning of continuous nanofiber hollow yarns for thermal storage and insulation by a multi-step twisting method. Textile Research Journal, 2020, 99(9-10): 1045-1056.

  [10] Xu, X.Y., Shang, Y.D., Tian, L., Weng, W.G. and Tu, J.Y. Fate of the inhaled smoke particles from fire scenes in the nasal airway of a realistic firefighter: A simulation study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2019, 16(4): 273-285.

  [11] Xu, X.Y., Shang, Y.D., Tian, L., Weng, W.G. and Tu, J.Y. Inhalation health risk assessment for the human tracheobronchial tree under PM exposure in a bus stop scene, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2019, 19(6): 1365-1376.

  [12] Luo, N., Weng, W.G., Hong, T.Z., Xu, X.Y., Fu, M. and Sun, K.Y. Assessment of occupant-behavior-based indoor air quality and its impacts on human exposure risk: A case study based on the wildfires in Northern California, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 686: 1251-1261.

  [13] Wang, C.Y., Ni, S.J. and Weng, W.G. Modeling human domino process based on interactions among individuals for understanding crowd disasters, Physica A, 2019, 531: 121781.

  [14] Fu, M., Chen, W.W., Weng, W.G., Yuan, M.Q., Luo, N. and Xu X.Y. Prediction of thermal skin burn based on the combined mathematical model of the skin and clothing. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2018, 109(12): 1606-1612. (SCI: HH2ZX, EI: 20180704802078)

  [15] Luo, N., Weng, W.G., Xu, X.Y., and Fu, M. Human-walking-induced wake flow — PIV experiments and CFD simulations. Indoor and Built Environment, 2018, 27(8): 1069–1084.

  [16] Wang, C.Y. and Weng, W.G. Study on the collision dynamics and the transmission pattern between pedestrians along the queue. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2018, 073406.

  [17] Xu, X.Y., Shang, Y.D., Tian, L., Weng, W.G. and Tu, J.Y., A numerical study on firefighter nasal airway dosimetry of smoke particles from a realistic composite deck fire. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2018, 123: 91-104.

  [18] Luo, N., Weng, W.G., Xu, X.Y. and Fu, M. Experimental and numerical investigation of the wake flow of a human-shaped manikin: experiments by PIV and simulations by CFD. Building Simulation, 2018, 11(6): 1189-1205.

  [19] Wang, J.Y., Boltes, M. Seyfried, A. Zhang, J., Ziemer, V. and Weng, W.G. Linking pedestrian flow characteristics with stepping locomotion. Physica A, 2018, 500: 106-120.

  [20] Wang, J.Y., Weng, W.G., Boltes, M., Zhang, J., Tordeux, A. and Ziemer V. Step styles of pedestrians at different density. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2018, 023406.

  [21] Chen, W.W., Ni, S.J., Weng, W.G. and Fu, M. The preparation and characterization of ultrafine fatty acid Ester/Poly (meta-phenylene isophthalamide) phase change fibers designed for thermo-regulating protective clothing. Fibers and Polymers, 2018, 19(3): 498-506.

  [22] Zhang, Y., Weng, W.G. and Huang, Z.L. A scenario-based model for earthquake emergency management effectiveness evaluation. Technological Forecasting @ Social Change, 2018, 128: 197-207.

  [23] Day, D.B., Xiang, J., Mo, J., Li, F., Chung, M., Gong, J., Weschler, C.J., Ohman-Strickland, P.A., Sundell, J., Weng, W., Zhang, Y. and Zhang, J.J. Association of ozone exposure with cardiorespiratory pathophysiologic mechanisms in healthy adults. JAMA Internal Medicine, 2017, 177(9):1344-1353.

  [24] Luo, N., Hong, T.Z., Li, H., Jia, R.X. and Weng, W.G. Data analytics and optimization of an ice-based energy storage system for commercial buildings. Applied Energy, 2017, 204: 459-475.

  [25] Yang, J., Ni, S.J. and Weng, W.G. Modelling heat transfer and physiological responses of unclothed human body in hot environment by coupling CFD simulation with thermal model. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2017, 120: 437-445.

  [26] Xu, X.Y., Ni, S.J., Fu, M., Zheng, X., Luo, N. and Weng, W.G. Numerical investigation of airflow, heat transfer and particle deposition for oral breathing in a realistic human upper airway model. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2017, 70: 53-63.

  [27] Chen, W.W., Weng, W.G. and Fu, M. Hydroxypropyl cellulose-based esters for thermal energy storage by grafting with palmitic-stearic binary acids. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 134(24): 44949.

  [28] Yang, J., Weng, W.G., Wang, F.M. and Song, G.W. Integrating a human thermoregulatory model with a clothing model to predict core and skin temperatures. Applied Ergonomics, 2017, 61: 168-177.

  [29] Fu, M., Weng, W.G., Chen, W.W. and Luo, N. Review on modelling heat transfer and thermoregulatory responses in human body. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2016, 62: 189-2000.

  [30] Chen, W.W. and Weng, W.G. Ultrafine lauric-Myristic acid eutectic/poly (meta-phenylene isophthalamide) form-stable phase change fibers for thermal energy storage by electrospinning. Applied Energy, 2016, 173: 168-176.

  [31] Luo, N., Weng, W.G. and Fu, M. Theoretical analysis of the effects of human movement on the combined free-forced convection, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 91: 37-44.

  [32] Yang, J., Weng, W.G. and Fu, M. A coupling system to predict the core and skin temperatures of human wearing protective clothing in hot environments. Applied Ergonomics, 2015, 51: 363-369.

  [33] Fu, M., Yuan M.Q. and Weng, W.G. Modeling of heat and moisture transfer within firefighter protective clothing with the moisture absorption of thermal radiation. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 96: 201-210.

  [34] Weng, W.G., Kamikawa, D. and Hasemi, Y. Experimental study on merged flame characteristics from multifire sources with wood cribs, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35(3): 2597-2606.

  [35] Wang, J.Y., Weng, W.G. and Zhang, X.L. New insights into the crowd characteristics in Mina, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2014, P11003.

  [36] Yang, J., Weng, W.G. and Zhang, B.T. Experimental and numerical study of physiological responses in hot environments, Journal of Thermal Biology, 2014, 45: 54-61.

  [37] Fu, M., Weng, W.G. and Yuan, H.Y. Quantitative assessment of the relationship between radiant heat exposure and protective performance of multilayer thermal protective clothing during dry and wet conditions, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 276: 383-392.

  [38] Luo, N., Weng, W.G., Fu, M., Yang, J. and Han, Z.Y. Experimental study of the effects of human movement on the convective heat transfer coefficient, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2014, 57(9): 40-56.

  [39] Weng, W.G., Han, X.F. and Fu, M. An extended multi-segmented human bioheat model for high temperature environments, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 75(7): 504–513.

  [40] Fu, M., Weng, W.G. and Yuan, H.Y. Numerical simulation of the effects of blood perfusion, water diffusion, and vaporization on the skin temperature and burn injuries, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A Applications, 2014, 65(12): 1187–1203.

  [41] Fu, M., Weng, W.G. and Yuan, H.Y. Effects of multiple air gaps on the thermal performance of firefighter protective clothing under low-level heat exposure, Textile Research Journal, 2014, 84(9): 968-978.

  [42] Han, Z.Y., Weng, W.G. and Huang, Q.Y. Characterizations of particle size distribution of the droplets exhaled by sneeze, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2013, 10(88): 20130560.

  [43] Han, Z.Y., Weng, W.G., Zhao, Q.L., Ma, X., Liu, Q.Y. and Huang, Q.Y. Investigation on an integrated evacuation route planning method based on real-time data acquisition for high-rise building fire. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013, 14(2): 782-795.

  [44] Zhang, X.L., Weng, W.G.  and Yuan, H.Y. Empirical study of crowd behavior during a real mass event. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2012, P08012.

  [45] Han, Z.Y. and Weng, W.G. Comparison study on qualitative and quantitative risk assessment methods for urban natural gas pipeline network. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 189(1-2): 509-518.

  [46] Ni, S.J. and Weng, W.G. Impact of travel patterns on epidemic dynamics in heterogeneous spatial metapopulation networks. Physical Review E, 2009, 79 (1): 016111.

  [47] Ji X.W., Weng W.G. and Fan W.C. Cellular automata-based systematic risk analysis approach for emergency response. Risk Analysis, 2008, 28(5): 1247-1259.

  [48] Weng, W.G., Chen, T., Yuan, H.Y. and Fan, W.C. Cellular automaton simulation of pedestrian counter flow with different walk velocities. Physical Review E, 2006, 74(3): 036102.

  [49] Weng, W.G., Hasemi, Y. and Fan, W.C. Predicting the pyrolysis of wood considering char oxidation under different ambient oxygen concentrations. Combustion and Flame, 2006, 145(4): 723-729.

  [50] Weng, W.G. and Hasemi, Y. Theoretical analysis on flame dimension in turbulent ceiling fires. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2006, 49(1-2): 154-158.

  [51] Kamikawa, D., Weng, W.G., Kagiya, K., Fukuda, D., Mase, R. and Hasemi, Y. Experimental study of merged flames from multifire sources in propane and wood crib burners. Combustion and Flame, 2005, 142(1-2): 33-39.

  [52] Yang, R., Weng, W.G., Fan, W.C. and Wang, Y.S. Subgrid scale laminar flamelet model for partially premixed combustion and its application to backdraft simulation. Fire Safety Journal, 2005, 40(2): 81-98.

  [53] Weng, W.G. and Fan, W.C. Nonlinear analysis of the backdraft phenomenon in room fires, Fire Safety Journal, 2004, 39(6):447-464.

  [54] Weng, W.G., Fan, W.C., et al. Experimental study of back-draft in a compartment with openings of different geometries. Combustion and Flame, 2003, 132(4): 709-714.

  [55] Weng, W.G., Fan, W.C. Qin, J. and Yang, L.Z. Study on salt water modeling of gravity currents prior to backdrafts using flow visualization and digital particle image velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids, 2002, 33(3): 398-404.

  [56] Weng, W.G., Fan, W.C. Liao, G.X. and Qin, J. Wavelet-based image denoising in (digital) particle image velocimetry. Signal Processing, 2001, 81(7): 1503-1512.

  [57] Weng, W.G. Experimental and Numerical Study of Human Thermal Physiological Responses from Fire, 2016 International Seminar on Safety Science and Technology, Kunming, China, 2016, 10.17-19.

  [58] Weng, W.G. Models of a Technical Platform for Emergency Management. 6th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, Dacca, Bengal, Dec. 8-9, 2007.

  [59] Weng, W.G. Some fire events and research in China. The 1st Global COE International Symposium for the Reduction of Fire Damage in East Asia. Seoul, Korea, March 26-27, 2009.

  [60] Weng, W.G. Some Research Progresses about High-rise Building Fire Safety. International Forum on Ultra High-rise buildings Fire safety and Comprehensive Disaster prevention Technology, Guangzhou, China, 2010, 11. 19-22.


● Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Fundamental Research, Journal of Human Physiology, 中国管理科学等期刊编委会成员;

● 公共安全科学技术学会人员安全工作委员会主任委员,全国公共安全基础标准化技术委员会WG11大型活动和人员安全标准工作组召集人,中国医学救援协会救援防护分会副会长;

● 科技部,2021—2035年国家中长期科技发展规划公共安全科技发展战略研究,公共安全领域国家第六次技术预测,十四五国家公共安全与防灾减灾科技创新专项规划编制,十四五国家重点研发计划重大自然灾害防控与公共安全重点专项实施方案和指南编制等专家组成员。


● 2017:国家杰出青年科学基金;

● 2019:中组部万人计划科技创新领军人才;

● 2018:科技部中青年科技创新领军人才;

● 2016:北京科学技术奖二等奖,城市运行风险监测与评估关键技术研究与应用(排名第1);

● 2010:教育部科学技术进步奖一等奖;

● 2006:教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者;

● 2005:IAFSS Best Thesis Award.(国际火灾安全学会最佳博士论文奖,每三年评选一次,每次评选出三名,分别是亚洲/澳洲、北美洲/南美洲、欧洲/非洲的最佳博士论文);

● 2004:中国科学院优秀博士学位论文;

● 2002:中国科学院经理特别奖。